Saturday, March 08, 2008

Today is a day that will go down in history....

... I am back in my pre-baby jeans!


Stephnie said...

I love it!! I remember when that happened to me the first time. It was like being released from a fat farm. Way to go!!


Unknown said...

way to go! now you can always remember that this day is special for two reasons! :) my birthday and your old jeans! :)

Unknown said...

Now you can always remember that this day is special for three reasons? Leah's birthday and your old jeans, and two days before my parent's anniversary!

Kara Mann said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! Feels good doesn't it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sarah! I loved that day!!! Wow! So, if you wanna wear your favorite pair of cute jeans and go on a date with your hubby, you know where to trust Julia! *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* (Last minute reservations welcome!)

Suzanne & Duncan Forbes said...

Awesome - that ranks right up there with "The baby slept through the night!"

Anonymous said...

Good words.