Monday, March 12, 2007

Things that make you go "Huh?"

I've been listening to the radio (via the internet) at work for the past few weeks. I have tapped into a christian station located in Seattle, that plays a really good variety of songs. Anyways, the other day I heard an ad for I didn't think anything of it, at first. Then a few hours later there was another ad (I'm assuming from a local church in Seattle) saying how the world has really focused too much on casual dating and that sites such as go against God's desire for His children to trust Him with their future mate. Huh? Didn't this station just play a ad? And now you're telling people it's not good? I think what has me even more confused is that I continue to hear these same two ads day after day.

Is it just me, or is this sending a mixed message? You should trust God for these things, but if you really want to, you can go to this one site. You should trust God with your life, but if you're not going to, you should at least use this one product.

And something even more interesting:'s theme is "It's okay to look". Is it now really? I'm pretty sure Jesus would disagree (Matthew 5:28).

They also have ads about credit cards, buying homes that are too expensive for little or no down or debt consolidation (everything anti-Dave Ramsey) followed by ads for handling your money properly and in a way to glorify God.

I'm just really disappointed by this station. It offers so many good things (songs, verses, testimonies, etc) but then it continually does these handful of ads. I'm sure it boils down money, but is it worth it? Is it worth contradicting what God says so that a radio station can reach more people? I don't really think so.


Anonymous said...

The christian industry is strange animal. i know that with record labels, most of them are owned by larger secular companies. i wouldn't be surprised if the same was true with christian radio. i also wouldn't be surprised if the advertising on some of these stations wasn't the responsibility of the people that provide the content. They probably own a variety of different types of radio stations, and some sponsors pay to get ad space on all of them.

Another thing to consider is that since got big, has tried to emulate it. eharmony was started by a Christian doctor as a marriage-oriented program. Since there was something like 70% of the people using it being Christian, wanted in on that market and revamped their look and brought in Dr.Phil to be their spokesperson and relationship guru, and also started advertising to more spiritual and religious people.

I don't know. Here's something to consider though. I kind of see christian media like magazines and radio and websites and blogs as becoming less of a pulpit and more of a discussion table. And I kind of prefer it that way, because the listener has to take more personal responsibility in what they believe. Rather than just hearing something on the radio and believing it, they have to weigh several different sides in light of scripture and come to their own conclusions.

Unknown said...

I have no idea who left that comment, and though I agree somewhat with the last paragraph, I don't fully agree that it applies in this situation.

There's nothing wrong with presenting contrasting view points. And to some Christians, dating, "looking", not a big deal, as long as you stay away from the set-in-stone commands we've been given. Though that's not my standpoint, I am not against a Christian going on or some other and looking for their soul mate.

I just think contracting view points should be presented as that. Not as truth. I would probably be against my pastor getting up at church and telling us that drunkenness is wrong, and then later making an announcement about a kegger at his place.

I listen to a Christian radio station online as well. It's I haven't paid extreme attention to their ads and such (since I'm working ;) ) but they seem to match up with what they claim to believe.

Sarah said...

I agree, there isn't anything wrong with contrasting view points. But it just kinda caught me off guard, and now that I've noticed it, it bothers me. Sorta like telling me I should go on a diet, followed by a nice cake recipe. Just makes me confused.

And ultimately, I really don't have much of a problem with online dating sites. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have my sister-in-law. What I didn't like was the two sidedness of the ads.