Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's official

It's official, I survived my trip. About half way through the week I thought "Hmm, traveling with three guys is a lot harder than it seems." Not that I didn't love hanging out with Jonathan, Matt and Michiel, but a little more estrogen would have be nice! But even without an extra girl, the trip really was awesome. We went to a Yankees game in NY and ate a Philly cheese steak in Philadelphia (which was so yummy, but not too good for the stomach!). D.C. was just the way I remember, overwhelming. For an area that is relatively small there is so much packed into it. We went to three different musuems and saw all of the monuments we could. Matt and I visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Very appropriately the weather that day was very sad and dreary. This was the second time I went there, and I must say that the second time was more heavy then the first. Perhaps it's because of all the classes I took in college, but I think I cried the whole time I was there.

It's official, we got a puppy. We drove up to Calmar last night with Joshua Abdo and picked up our puppies. The Abdos named there little guy, Copper. Jonathan and I haven't fully agreed on a name just yet, so I will wait to announce it later. Once we have all the pictures uploaded I will put them up. It was interested, because it was a really bitter sweet time last night. There was the part of me that was so excited to be getting a puppy and then there was the part of me that still misses Judah. Judah will never, ever be replaced, and he will go down in history as one of the single greatest dogs ever (and the best I have personally ever known). But last night, when we were visiting with all the puppies, I knew this is what he would have wanted. Sure, he would be so jealous if he were still around, but I know he would be happy to know we're happy.

And now, the part that most every one has been holding their breath for...

It's official, Jonathan and I are pregnant! I am about ten weeks along. We went to our doctor's yesterday morning and everything appears to be going well, and Baby Windham seems healthy. We were able to hear Baby W's heartbeat. That, I think, was the coolest thing I have ever experienced. There is something about the swish-swish noise that makes my heart fill with joy. God has really allowed Jonathan and I to experience some amazing mountain tops in the last month, and it continues to point to His worthiness of all the glory. I am humbled by God's desire to bless us, and grateful for the times that He has carried me through some very low valleys so that I can more fully understand His wonder and grace.


The McCains said...

Oh my gosh!! Yay- I thought you might be! SOOO exciting- congrats guys!

And congrats on the new puppy too- can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What an exciting time for you all!

Unknown said...


Love you friend!

Unknown said...

I am kind of impressed by God's timing in the whole puppy/baby thing...

Sarah said...

Yeah, God's pretty good like that. Hearing the baby's heartbeat and getting a puppy in the same day? Yeah, I'd say that's pretty sweet.