Thursday, February 21, 2008

This is why I love Jonathan

This morning I told Jonathan we were running low on diapers, but that we were expecting to get some in the mail (present from my aunt) today. His response: "Well, sweetie, you just let me know if we need any. And I can pick some up, Raising Arizona style".

***Disclaimer*** There is some bad language in the following video.


Kara Mann said...

This is CLASSIC!!!!!

Stephnie said...

How many times have we watched that and laughed so hard we peed ourselves!? It's great when you love someone that really gets you!! You and Jonathan get each other. As a mom I couldn't be any happier for you. Dave sends his love and thanks for calling this morning. We love you lots.

Rob said...

You know, I can relate to that more nowadays! :)

Classic stuff...

.ambre. said...

that was fabulous! even inara took a break from nursing when it finished to do her forced laugh. :)