Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

And all that jazz.

We just got home from Faithwalkers and visiting with our family. It was awesome, but I still need more time to process everything I learned before I send out my thoughts into the blogging world.

On the trip home, Jonathan, Fletcher and I had a long conversation about New Year's resolutions. Good, bad or just plain silly?

I tend to make (and actually keep!) one resolution each year. It tends to be something I have wanted to do but need a good starting point and visible finish.

Here are a few of my past resolutions:

- give up chocolate (did it, but boy was it hard!)

- give up fast food (McDonald's, Wendy's BK, Taco Bell and a handful of others)

- read through the Bible (started off strong, but when I got preggo with Julia is was all I could do to function that reading more than a few verses at a time was nearly impossible)

Does anyone else start (and get pretty close to finishing) new resolutions?

I've got my resolution for this year - journalling. Doesn't sound like a lot, but I haven't done a very good job with it and know that I really need to have in my life. This weekend I'm buying a journal and getting started.

1 comment:

saras said...

I love your resolution! I have always thought I should journal. I heard it is a good stress reliever, and I need that. Let me know how it goes!
Sara Sundblad